Control Panel

The control panel may be customized in a number of different ways. You may add new fieldtypes, widgets, a stylesheet, or maybe you just want to add some arbitrary Javascript.

If you’re creating an addon, they will have their own ways to add things to the Control Panel. This guide is for adding for your own app.

Adding CSS and JS assets

Statamic can load custom stylesheets and Javascript files located in the public/vendor/ directory, or from external sources.

Using Vite

You may register a Vite asset to be loaded in the Control Panel using the vite method. This will accept a vendor name and an array of paths.

For your application specific modifications, app will probably do just fine as a vendor name.

use Statamic\Statamic;
class AppServiceProvider
public function boot()
Statamic::vite('app', [
Hot Tip!

This, as well as the Vite config below are already included in the statamic/statamic starter site. You just have to uncomment them in app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php.

Using Webpack

If you’re using Webpack, Laravel Mix, or some other tool, you may register an asset to be loaded in the Control Panel using the script and style methods. This will accept a vendor name and a path.

use Statamic\Statamic;
class AppServiceProvider
public function boot()
Statamic::script('app', 'cp.js');
Statamic::style('app', 'cp.css');

These methods will make Statamic expect files at public/vendor/app/js/cp.js and public/vendor/app/css/cp.css respectively.

Using <script> tags in the Control Panel

For externally-hosted scripts, you may register assets to be loaded in the Control Panel with the externalScript method. This method accepts the URL of an external script.

use Statamic\Statamic;
class AppServiceProvider
public function boot()

Otherwise, for inline scripts, you may use the inlineScript method. You should omit the <script> tags.

use Statamic\Statamic;
class AppServiceProvider
public function boot()
Statamic::inlineScript('window.Beacon("init", "abc123")');

Adding assets to your build process

Rather than writing flat CSS and JS files directly into the public directory, you can (and should) set up source files to output there instead.

Add the following to your vite.config.js, adjusting the location of your source files as necessary:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import laravel from 'laravel-vite-plugin';
import vue2 from '@vitejs/plugin-vue2';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
input: [
refresh: true,
npm i --save-dev @vitejs/plugin-vue2

The cp.js in this example may be your entry point for loading various other files. For instance, you could import fieldtypes:

// resources/js/cp.js
import Password from './components/fieldtypes/Password.vue';
Statamic.booting(() => {
Statamic.$components.register('password-fieldtype', Password);
// resources/js/components/fieldtypes/Password.vue
export default {
Hot Tip!

You are welcome to customize the filenames and folder structure and even the entire build process. The only important thing is to import the files with Statamic::vite() (or Statamic::script()).

Adding control panel routes

If you need to have custom routes for the control panel:

  1. Create a routes file. Name it whatever you want, for example: routes/cp.php

  2. Then push the routes by adding this to your app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php:

    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
    use Statamic\Statamic;
    public function boot()
    Statamic::pushCpRoutes(function () {
    Route::namespace('\App\Http\Controllers')->group(function () {
    require base_path('routes/cp.php');
  3. Any routes in the file will have the appropriate name prefix and middleware applied.

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