CP Breadcrumbs

At the top of most pages in the control panel, you will see a title with breadcrumbs sitting above. Statamic provides ways to generate these links without you having to worry about manually generating the HTML.

use Statamic\CP\Breadcrumbs;
$crumbs = Breadcrumbs::make([
['text' => 'First', 'url' => '/first'],
['text' => 'Second', 'url' => '/second'],
return view('myview', ['crumbs' => $crumbs]);
<breadcrumbs :crumbs='@json($crumbs)'></breadcrumbs>
<breadcrumbs :crumbs="crumbs" />
export default {
return {
crumbs: [
['text' => 'First', 'url' => '/first'],
['text' => 'Second', 'url' => '/second'],
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