Customizing Markdown

Basic Usage

You may parse Markdown in Statamic by using the Markdown facade.

Statamic\Facades\Markdown::parse('# Hello World!');
<h1>Hello World!</h1>

By default, Statamic follows the CommonMark spec with a few extra features:

  • GFM Tables
  • HTML Attributes (eg. # heading {.someclass #someid})
  • Strikethrough (eg. ~~strikethrough~~)

A few other extensions are available, but disabled by default:

  • Autolinking
  • HTML escaping
  • Automatic line breaks

Customizing Markdown behavior

Under the hood, we’re using the league/commonmark package which supports all sorts of customization using extensions.


You may customize the behavior of the markdown parser by providing a CommonMark config array in config/statamic/markdown.php. All the available options are outlined in the CommonMark docs. You can override the base options as well as any extension’s options.

You only need to provide the specific options you want to override. For example:

'configs' => [
'default' => [
'allow_unsafe_links' => false,
'heading_permalink' => [
'symbol' => '#',

Adding extensions

You may add an extension with the addExtension or addExtensions methods. For example, in the boot method of your AppServiceProvider, return an extension instance, or an array of them.

namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Statamic\Facades\Markdown;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\Footnote\FootnoteExtension;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\TableOfContents\TableOfContentsExtension;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
// Add one extension...
Markdown::addExtension(function () {
return new FootnoteExtension;
// or multiple.
Markdown::addExtensions(function () {
return [new FootnoteExtension, new TableOfContentsExtension];
Hot Tip!

You can find a long list of Markdown Extensions on the CommonMark site, or around on GitHub. We love this Hint Extension by Ueberdosis – you’re seeing it in action, powering this “Hot Tip” box.

Statamic 5.0+ uses CommonMark 2.4, while previous versions used either CommonMark 2.2 or CommonMark 1.6. Keep this in mind when reading docs and looking for extension packages.

Helper Methods

In addition to manually defining and configuring extensions, some frequently used behaviors are wrapped up in methods for you to use.

Method Description
withAutoLinks() Convert URLs and email addresses into links. (eg. becomes <a href=""></a>)
withSmartPunctuation() Convert plain quotes, dashes, ellipsis, etc into their unicode equivalents. Commonly referred to as “smartypants”. (eg. "CommonMark is the PHP League's Markdown parser" becomes “CommonMark is the PHP League’s Markdown parser”)
withMarkupEscaping() Converts HTML to entities. Useful for securing input from untrusted users. (eg. <div> becomes &lt;div/&gt;)
withAutoLineBreaks() Converts newlines into <br> tags. Without this, you need to end a line with a \ or two spaces.
withStatamicDefaults() Enable the default set of extensions that Statamic uses (tables, strikethrough, etc). Without this, you will get a plain parser.
newInstance($config) Gives you a new parser instance using an existing one as a starting point. It will inherit all the extensions and config. Accepts an array that will be merged into the config.

Custom Parsers

Any methods on the Markdown facade are forwarded onto the default Parser. This includes the addExtension methods described above.

You are free to create additional parsers that are configured independently, with their own configuration and extensions.

Markdown::makeParser($config) // Accepts an optional league/commonmark config array.
->parse('# Heading');

If you intend to reuse a parser, you may prefer to create it in one place (like a service provider), and then reference it elsewhere.

Markdown::extend('special', function ($parser) {
return $parser
Markdown::parser('special')->parse('# Heading');

The closure provides you with a fresh Parser instance which you can customize as needed.

Hot Tip!

If you need to provide a config to your custom parser, you can either define it in the config file or pass an array as the second option.

Markdown::extend('special', $config, function ($parser) {

Using a custom parser in a modifier

The markdown modifier accepts an optional argument to choose which parser to use.

{{ text | markdown:special }}

Using a custom parser in a fieldtype

The markdown fieldtype allows you define the parser. This will be used when it augments the value, so you don’t need the markdown modifier.

handle: content
type: markdown
parser: special
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