Each of the core Statamic data types has its own Facade used to access an underlying repository class so you can query, create, modify, and delete content. Working with data in this manner is usually done in a Controller, with any retrieved data being passed into a view.
These methods will work no matter which driver you're using — flat files, Eloquent/MySQL, or any other custom repo driver.
Learn how Statamic can use different storage methods!
While Statamic's Query builder is very similar to Laravel's Query Builder, they are completely separate implementations.
What follows is complete documentation on all available methods. If you need a method available in Laravel that we don't currently support, feel free to open a feature request or better yet, a Pull Request!
Retrieving Data
There are two different types of classes you'll interact with while querying content: Repositories and Query Builders.
Each Facade interacts with a repository, which allows you to get data about the desired data type. For example, you can use the Entry
Facade to get an entry, or the GlobalSet
Facade to get all the variables inside of it.
use Statamic\Facades\Entry;use Statamic\Facades\GlobalSet; Entry::find('abc123');GlobalSet::findByHandle('footer')->inDefaultSite()->get('copyright');
Query Builders
Some Facades also have a Query Builders that allows you to query, filter, and narrow down the results you desire. The Entry
Facade's Query Builder allows you to find all the entries in a collection, by a specific author, and so on.
All Query Builders are part of a Repository, but not all Repositories have a Query Builder. Just like how all donuts are desserts, but not all desserts are donuts. 🍩
Query Builders allow you to assemble a query, chain additional constraints onto it, and then invoke the get
method to get the results:
use Statamic\Facades\Entry; $entries = Entry::query() ->where('collection', 'blog') ->limit(5) ->get();
This would return a Collection
of the items. In this particular example, you would have a Collection
of Entry
Getting a single record
If you only want to get a single record, you may use the first
method. This method will return a single data object:
Entry::query() ->where('collection', 'blog') ->first();
Getting specific fields
This method is really only helpful when using a database — it improves query speed by performing column SELECT
s behind the scenes.
Entry::query() ->where('collection', 'blog') ->get(['title', 'hero_image', 'content']);
Basic Where Clauses
You may use the query builder's where
method to add "where" clauses to the query. The most basic call to the where
method requires three arguments. The first argument is the name of the field. The second argument is an operator, which can be any of the supported operators. The third argument is the value to compare against the field's value.
For example, the following query gets entries where the value of a status
field is featured
Entry::query() ->where('status', '=', 'featured') ->get();
As a shorthand for an "equals" query, you may pass the value as the second argument to the where
method. Statamic will assume you would like to use the =
Entry::query()->where('status', 'featured')->get();
You can chain where clauses, filtering records based on more than one condition with AND:
Entry::query() ->where('status', '=', 'featured') ->where('status', '!=', 'sticky') ->get();
This same query can also be written using one where clause:
Entry::query() ->where([ ['status', '=', 'featured'], ['status', '!=', 'sticky'] ]) ->get();
You can query entries across multiple conditions using orWhere()
Entry::query() ->where('status', '=', 'featured') ->orWhere('status', '=', 'sticky') ->get();
The whereBetween
method lets you verify that a field's value lies between two values that you pass:
Entry::query() ->whereBetween('numeric_field', [0, 1000]) ->get();
You can also use the whereNotBetween
method to verify that a field's value does not lie between two values that you pass:
Entry::query() ->whereNotBetween('numeric_field', [0, 1000]) ->get();
Note: orWhereBetween
and orWhereNotBetween
are also supported.
The whereColumn
method lets you compare a field's value to that of another field:
Entry::query() ->whereColumn('published', '=', 'status') ->get();
Note: orWhereColumn
is also supported.
The whereDate
method may be used to compare a column's value against a date:
$users = Entry::query()->whereDate('created_at', '2016-12-31')->get();
The whereMonth
method may be used to compare a column's value against a specific month:
$users = Entry::query()->whereMonth('created_at', '12')->get();
The whereDay
method may be used to compare a column's value against a specific day of the month:
$users = Entry::query()->whereDay('created_at', '31')->get();
The whereYear
method may be used to compare a column's value against a specific year:
$users = Entry::query()->whereYear('created_at', '2016')->get();
The whereTime
method may be used to compare a column's value against a specific time:
$users = Entry::query()->whereTime('created_at', '=', '11:20:45')->get();
The whereIn
method lets you check a field against an a given array of values:
Entry::query() ->whereIn('status', ['featured', 'sticky', 'special']) ->get();
You can also use the whereNotIn
method to ensure a given field's value is not contained in a given array of values:
Entry::query() ->whereNotIn('status', ['draft', 'boring']) ->get();
Note: orWhereIn
and orWhereNotIn
are also both supported.
The whereNull
method lets you check whether a field's value is null:
Entry::query() ->whereNull('published') ->get();
You can also use the whereNotNull
method to check if a field's value is not null:
Entry::query() ->whereNotNull('published') ->get();
Note: orWhereNull
and orWhereNotNull
are also both supported.
Complex Where Clauses
Complex queries can be made by using closure-based wheres containing any of the basic where clauses:
Entry::query() ->where(function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'featured') ->orWhere('status', 'sticky'); }) ->orWhere(function ($query) { $query->where('title', '!=', 'statamic') ->where('status', 'boring'); }) ->get();
Conditional Clauses
Conditional clauses can be applied based on another condition, for example the value for an input on the HTTP request.
Entry::query() ->when($request->input('rad'), function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'featured') ->orWhere('status', 'sticky'); }) ->get();
You can also pass a default value which will be applied when the condition fails:
Entry::query() ->when($request->input('rad'), function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'featured') ->orWhere('status', 'sticky'); }, function ($query) { $query->where('status', '!=', 'featured') ->where('status', '!=', 'sticky'); }) ->get();
If you want to simply apply a clause when a value fails you can use unless()
Entry::query() ->unless($request->input('rad'), function ($query) { $query->where('status', 'featured') ->orWhere('status', 'sticky'); }) ->get();
JSON Where Clauses
JSON values can be queries using the '->' selector:
Entry::query() ->where('my_field->sub_field', '!=', 'statamic') ->get();
You can query JSON arrays using whereJsonContains()
Entry::query() ->whereJsonContains('my_array_field->sub_field', 'statamic') ->get();
Or can pass an array of values. This will match if any of the values are found in the field.
Entry::query() ->whereJsonContains('my_array_field->sub_field', ['statamic', 'is', 'rad']) ->get();
You can use whereJsonDoesntContain()
to query the absence of a value or values in a JSON array:
Entry::query() ->whereJsonDoesntContain('my_array_field->sub_field', 'statamic') ->get();
You can use whereJsonLength method to query JSON arrays by their length:
Entry::query() ->whereJsonLength('my_array_field->sub_field', 1) ->get();
Entry::query() ->whereJsonLength('my_array_field->sub_field', '>', 1) ->get();
Note: orWhereJsonContains
and orWhereJsonLength
are also both supported.
The following operators are available in basic where clauses when appropriate for a targeted field's datatype, just like SQL.
Operator | Description |
= |
Equals |
<> or != |
Not Equals |
like |
Like |
not like |
Not Like |
regexp |
Like Regex |
not regexp |
Not Like Regex |
> |
Greater Than |
< |
Less Than |
>= |
Greater Than Or Equal To |
<= |
Less Than Or Equal To |
Like & Not Like
The like
operator is used in where
clause to search for a specified pattern in a field. not like
is the inverse, ensuring that the results do not match a pattern.
There are two wildcards used in conjunction with the like
- The percent sign
represents zero, one, or multiple characters - The underscore sign
represents one, single character
Get all Users with a gmail email address
User::query() ->where('email', 'like', '%@gmail.com') ->get();
Get all Entries where "wip" is not in the title
Entry::query() ->where('title', 'not like', '% wip %') ->get();
Get all Assets with "thumbnail" in the filename.
Asset::query() ->where('filename', 'like', '%thumbnail%') ->get();
Get all Users who are (probably) not doctors
User::query() ->where('name', 'not like', ['Dr.%', '%MD', '%M.D.']) ->get();
Regex & Not Regex
The regex
operator is used in where
clause to search for records where a field matches a given regular expression, while not regex
is the inverse — ensuring that results do not match a regular expression.
Internally, this rule uses the PHP preg_match
function. The pattern specified should obey the same formatting required by preg_match
and therefore also include valid delimiters. For example: '/^.+$/i'
Find entries with Antlers expressions in content
Entry::query() ->where('content', 'regexp', '/{{/') ->get();
Find all Star Trek movie subtitles but not Star Wars
Entry::query() ->where('collection', 'movies') ->where('title', 'not regexp', '/m | [tn]|b/') ->get();
// Okay, so this regex doesn't work on any of the Star Wars// movies after Rogue One but let's not split hairs here.// This is a good example and you know it. // If we can get enough support though we can submit a// petition to Disney to rename the last 3 Skywalker sequels// so we don't need to change our regex: // The Force Awakens -> Awakening of the Force// The Last Jedi -> Near Extinction of the Jedi// The Rise of Skywalker -> Ascent of the Walker in the Sky
Greater Than & Less Than (Or Equal To)
The greater than
operator is used to compare two values. If the first is greater than the second, the match will be included. The greater than or equals
operator will include exact matches.
The less than
operator is used to compare two values. If the first is less than the second, the match will be included. The less than or equals
operator will include exact matches.
Find all Users old enough to enjoy a dram of whisky in the U.S.
User::query() ->where('age', '>=', 21) ->get();
Find all Pre-Y2K news
Entry::query() ->where('collection', 'news') ->where('date', '<', '2000') ->get();
Ordering, Limiting, & Offsetting
The orderBy
method allows you to sort by a given field, or in random order:
Entry::query()->orderBy('date', 'asc')->get();Entry::query()->orderByDesc('title')->get(); // the same as ->orderBy('title', 'desc')Entry::query()->inRandomOrder()->get();
You may limit and/or skip results by using the limit
and offset
The query builder also provides the count
method for retrieving the number of records returned.
Paginate results by invoking the paginate
method on a query instead of get
, and specifying the desired number of results per page.
This will return an instance of Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator
that you can use to assemble the pagination style of your choice.
You can learn more about the LengthAwarePaginatorin the Laravel docs.
By chunking down the results of a query you receive a small chunk of results that you can each pass into a closure for further processing or manipulation.
Expects both a $count
and $callback
Entry::query()->chunk(25, function($entries) { // do something with each chunk});
You can learn more about chunking query results in the Laravel docs.
Lazy Streaming
Lazily streaming query results allows you to define a number of results to be returned from the query, similar to chunking. The difference is that instead of being able to pass each chunk into a callback, you receive a LazyCollection
. This can help in situations where you're working with large datasets while keeping the memory usage low.
The chunk size for the lazy query should be at least 1
and defaults to 1000
You can learn more about lazily streaming query results and LazyCollections in the Laravel docs.
Repository Classes
Head to the Repositories Reference area for the complete list of classes and methods.