Tag Conditions

Conditions allow you to filter the results of your content tags (e.g. Collections, Taxonomies) using the data inside them, much like WHERE clauses do with SQL.

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Are you looking for "if/else" conditions? You probably want this page: Antler's Logic & Conditions


Quite often you'll find that you don't want to fetch all entries from a collection, or all terms from a taxonomy. Conditions give the ability to fetch only the content that meets the criteria of your choosing.

For example, you may want to list all entries that aren't the one you're viewing, are after your birthday 🎂 but before Christmas 🎄, or have a custom field like pinned 📌 set to true. Piece of cake. Piece of crumb cake. 🥮

Note: These conditions currently apply to the collections, taxonomy, and users tags.


The conditions syntax has 3 parts: the field name, the condition name, and the value.


Using a variable reference

If you prefix the field name with a colon, it will use the value of a variable in your view


Multiple values

You can pass multiple values by separating them with a pipe.



For conditions where you're matching or comparing a value is or starts_with, you'd do:

{{ collection:blog title:starts_with="Once upon a time..." }}
title:starts_with="Once upon a time..."


For boolean conditions like exists or null, specify a value of true:

{{ collection:blog hero_image:exists="true" }}

For negative boolean conditions, don't use ="false". Instead, pick the inverse condition, like :exists instead of :doesnt_exist.

// Nope
{{ collection:articles related_articles:exists="false" }}
// Yup
{{ collection:articles related_articles:doesnt_exist="true" }}
// Nope
// Yup

Multiple Conditions

Need multiple conditions? Yeah, we support that.

{{ collection:drinks type:is="tiki" ingredients:in="Orgeat" }}
<a href="{{ url }}">
{{ title }}
{{ /collection:drinks }}
<a href="{{ $url }}">
{{ $title }}

Passing multiple values

To pass multiple values in a condition, separate them with | pipes.

{{ collection:drinks ingredients:in="rum|falernum" }}
<a href="{{ url }}">
{{ title }}
{{ /collection:drinks }}
<a href="{{ $url }}">
{{ $title }}

Sub Fields

You can apply conditions to "sub fields", like date ranges:

start: 2023-12-01
end: 2023-12-03
{{ collection:events :event_date.start="today" }}
{{ collection:events :event_date.end="today" }}

String Conditions

The following conditions apply to fields with data stored as strings.

Condition Description
is / equals Include if field is equal to value.
not / isnt Include if field is not equal to value.
exists / isset Include if field exists.
doesnt_exist / is_empty / null Include if field doesn't exist.
contains Include if field contains value.
doesnt_contain Include if field doesn't contain value.
in Include if field value is in the provided array.
not_in Include if field value is not_in the provided array.
starts_with Include if field starts with value.
doesnt_start_with Include if field doesn't start with value.
ends_with Include if field ends with value.
doesnt_end_with Include if field doesn't end with value.
gt Include if field is greater than value.
gte Include if field is greater than or equal to value.
lt Include if field is less than value.
lte Include if field is less than or equal to value.
matches / regex Include if field matches case insensitive regex.
doesnt_match Include if field doesn't match case insensitive regex.
is_alpha Include if field contains only alphabetical characters.
is_numeric Include if field contains only numeric characters.
is_alpha_numeric Include if field contains only alphanumeric characters.
is_url Include if field is a valid URL.
is_embeddable Include if field is an embeddable video URL.
is_email Include if field is valid email address.
is_after Include if field is after date.
is_before Include if field is before date.
is_numberwang Include if field is numberwang.

Taxonomy Conditions

Taxonomy conditions are a little bit different. They start with taxonomy:, followed by the taxonomy name, an optional modifier argument, and finally the term you're seeking.


Query Modifiers

You may optionally control the behavior of the condition filter by passing the desired modifier into the tag method call. If you don't set a modifier, it will use any by default.

Any (default)

Fetch all entries that have any of one or more taxonomy terms.


Fetch all entries that don't have one or more taxonomy terms.


Fetch all entries that contain each of one or more taxonomy terms.


<!-- Get all featured articles -->
{{ collection:articles taxonomy:tags:any="featured" }}
{{ collection:articles taxonomy:tags="featured" }} (shorthand)
<!-- Get all but sports-related articles -->
{{ collection:articles taxonomy:tags:not="sports" }}
<!-- Get all "featured" articles about gaming -->
{{ collection:articles taxonomy:tags:all="gaming|featured" }}
<!-- Get all featured articles -->
<s:collection:articles taxonomy:tags:any="featured">
<s:collection:articles taxonomy:tags="featured"> (shorthand)
<!-- Get all but sports-related articles -->
<s:collection:articles taxonomy:tags:not="sports">
<!-- Get all "featured" articles about gaming -->
<s:collection:articles taxonomy:tags:all="gaming|featured">


Argument Description
{handle} Handle of the Taxonomy you wish to query.
{modifier} Control the behavior of the condition filtering. Available options: all, not, and any. Default: any.
{term} Term(s) to query. You may pass multiple terms by separating them with | pipe delimiters.


Here are some common and useful conditions snippets to grab on your next project.

Exclude the current entry


Entries with specific "tags"

Assuming you have a taxonomy named "Tags"...


Show draft (unpublished) entries


Published before a specific date

Let's use Y2K as the example date.

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