
Help your visitors find what they're looking for with search. Use configurable indexes to configure which fields are important, which aren't, and fine-tune your way to relevant results.


There are four components (coincidentally, the same number of Ninja Turtles) whose powers combine to provide you fully comprehensive powers of search.

  1. Forms
  2. Results
  3. Indexes
  4. Drivers


The search form is the entry point to your site search. Search forms are basic, vanilla HTML forms with a text or search input named q submitting to any URL with a search:results tag in its view template.

You can create that page however you wish: it could be an entry, a custom route, or something even fancier we didn't think of.
This Laracasts video shows how to setup search quickly.

<form action="/search/results">
<input type="search" name="q" placeholder="Search">
<button type="submit">Go find it!</button>


Results are powered by the Search Results tag. The tag will look for that q input sent by the form as a query string in the URL (e.g. /search/results?q=where's%20the%20beef).

Inside the tag you have access to all the content and variables from each result.

{{ search:results index="default" }}
{{ if no_results }}
<h2>No results found for {{ get:q }}.</h2>
{{ else }}
<a href="{{ url }}">
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
<p>{{ description | truncate:180 }}</p>
{{ /if }}
{{ /search:results }}
@forelse ($results as $result)
<a href="{{ $result->url }}">
<h2>{{ $result->title }}</h2>
<p>{{ Statamic::modify($result->description)->truncate(180) }}</p>
<h2>No results found for {{ get('q') }}.</h2>

The tag has a lot more fine-tuned control available, like renaming the query parameter, filtering on fields and collections, and so on. You can read more about it in the search results tag docs.


A search index is an ephemeral copy of your content, optimized for speed and performance while executing search queries. Without indexes, each search would require a scan of every entry in your site. Not an efficient way to go about it, but still technically possible.

Indexes are configured in config/statamic/search.php and you can create as many as you want. Each index can hold different pieces of content — and any one piece of content may be stored in any number of indexes.

Hot Tip!

An index is a collection of records, each representing a single search item. A record might be an entry, a taxonomy term, or even a user.

Your site's default index includes only the title from all collections. The default config looks like this:

'default' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'searchables' => 'all',
'fields' => ['title'],

Search a specific index

The index you wish you to search can be specified as a parameter on your search results tag.

{{ search:results index="docs" }} ... {{ /search:results }}


The searchables value determines what items are contained in a given index. By passing an array of searchable values you can customize your index however you'd like. For example, to index all blog posts and news articles together, you can do this:

'searchables' => ['collection:blog', 'collection:news']

Possible options include:

Filtering Searchables

You may choose to allow only a subset of searchable items.

For example, you may want to have a toggle field that controls whether an entry gets indexed or not. You can specify a closure with that logic.

'searchables' => ['collection:blog'],
'filter' => function ($item) {
return $item->status() === 'published' && ! $item->exclude_from_search;

Now, only published entries that don't have the exclude_from_search toggle field enabled will be indexed.

Heads up

Your filter will override any native filters. For example, entries will filter out drafts by default. If your filter doesn't also remove drafts, they could be indexed.

Alternatively you can specify a class to handle the filtering. This is useful when you want to cache your config using php artisan config:cache.

'filter' => \App\SearchFilters\BlogFilter::class,
namespace App\SearchFilters;
class BlogFilter
public function handle($item)
return $item->status() === 'published' && ! $item->exclude_from_search;

Records & Fields

The best practice for creating search indexes is to simplify your record structure as much as possible. Each record should contain only enough information to be discoverable on its own, and no more. You can customize this record by deciding which fields are included in the index.

Transforming Fields

By default, the data in the entry/term/etc that corresponds to the fields you've selected will be stored in the index. However, you're able to tailor the values exactly how you want using transformers.

Each transformer is a closure that would correspond to a field in your index's fields array.

'fields' => ['title', 'address'],
'transformers' => [
// Return a value to store in the index.
'title' => function ($title) {
return ucfirst($title);
// Return an array of values to be stored.
// These will all be separate searchable fields in the index.
// $value is the current value
// $searchable is the object that $value has been plucked from
'address' => function ($value, $searchable) {
return [
'_geoloc' => $value['geolocation'],
'location' => $value['location'],
'region' => $value['region'],

Alternatively you can specify a class to handle the transformation. This is useful when you want to cache your config using php artisan config:cache.

'fields' => ['title', 'address'],
'transformers' => [
'title' => \App\SearchTransformers\MyTransfomer::class,
namespace App\SearchTransformers;
class MyTransformer
public function handle($value, $field, $searchable)
// $value is the current value
// $field is the index from the transformers array
// $searchable is the object that $value has been plucked from
return ucfirst($value);

Updating Indexes

Whenever you save an item in the Control Panel it will automatically update any appropriate indexes. If you edit content by hand, you can tell Statamic to scan for new and updated records via the command line.

# Select which indexes to update
php please search:update
# Update a specific index
php please search:update name
# Update all indexes
php please search:update --all

Connecting Indexes

When a search is performed in the control panel (in collections, taxonomies, or asset containers, for example), Statamic will search the configured index for that content type.

If an index hasn't been defined or specified, Statamic will perform a less efficient, generic search. It'll be slower and less relevant, but better than nothing.

You can define which search index will be used by adding it to the respective YAML config file:

# content/collections/blog.yaml
title: Blog
search_index: blog
About entries

After specifying that an index contains entries from a collection (in searchables), you must also specify the index in the collection config itself because collections and entries can be in multiple indexes.

Also, since draft entries are not included in search indexes by default, you'll want to include them for your collection-linked index. You can add a filter that allows everything.

'articles' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'searchables' => ['collection:articles'],
'filter' => fn () => true,


You may choose to use separate indexes to store localized content. For example, English entries go in one index, French entries go in another, and so on.

Take these site and search configs for example:

# resources/sites.yaml
url: /
url: /fr/
url: /de/
// config/statamic/search.php
'indexes' => [
'default' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'searchables' => 'all',

By default, all entries will go into the default index, regardless of what site they're in. You can enable localization by setting the sites you want.

'indexes' => [
'default' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'searchables' => 'all',
'sites' => ['en', 'fr'], // You can also use "all"

This will create dynamic indexes named after the specified sites:

  • default_en
  • default_fr

If you have a localized index and include searchables that do not support localization (like assets or users), they will appear in each localized index.


Statamic takes a "driver" based approach to search engines. Drivers are interchangeable so you can gain new features or integrate with 3rd party services without ever having to change your data or frontend.

The native local driver is simple and requires no additional configuration, while the included algolia driver makes it super simple to integrate with Algolia, one of the leading search as a service providers.

You can build your own custom search drivers or look at the Addon Marketplace to see what the community has already created.


The local driver (aka "Comb") uses JSON to store key/value pairs, mapping fields to the content IDs they belong to. It lacks advanced features you would see in a service like Algolia, but hey, It Just Works™. It's a great way to get a search started quickly.


You may provide local driver specific settings in a settings array.

'driver' => 'local',
'searchables' => 'all',
'min_characters' => 3,
'use_stemming' => true,
  • match_weights: An array of weights for each field to use when calculating relevance scores. Defaults to:
    'partial_word' => 1,
    'partial_first_word' => 2,
    'partial_word_start' => 1,
    'partial_first_word_start' => 2,
    'whole_word' => 5,
    'whole_first_word' => 5,
    'partial_whole' => 2,
    'partial_whole_start' => 2,
    'whole' => 10,
  • min_characters: The minimum number of characters required in a search query. Defaults to 1.
  • min_word_characters: The minimum number of characters required in a word in a search query. Defaults to 2.
  • score_threshold: The minimum score required for a result to be included in the search results. Defaults to 1.
  • property_weights: An array of weights for each property to use when calculating relevance scores. Defaults to [].
  • query_mode: The query mode to use when searching (e.g. "whole", "words", "boolean"). Defaults to boolean.
  • use_stemming: Whether to use stemming when searching (e.g. "jumping" matches "jump"). Defaults to false.
  • use_alternates: Whether to use alternate spellings when searching (e.g. "color" matches "colour"). Defaults to false.
  • include_full_query: Whether to include the full search query in the search results. Defaults to true.
  • stop_words: An array of stop words to exclude from the search query. Defaults to [].
  • limit: Whether to limit the number of results returned. Defaults to null.
  • enable_too_many_results: Whether to enable a warning when too many results are returned. Defaults to false.
  • sort_by_score: Whether to sort the search results by relevance score. Defaults to true.
  • group_by_category: Whether to group the search results by category. Defaults to false.
  • exclude_properties: An array of properties to exclude from the search results. Defaults to [].
  • include_properties: An array of properties to include in the search results. Defaults to [].


Algolia is a full-featured search and navigation cloud service. They offer fast and relevant search with results in under 100 ms (99% under 20 ms). Results are prioritized and displayed using a customizable ranking formula.

'default' => [
'driver' => 'algolia',
'searchables' => 'all',

To set up the Algolia driver, create an account on their site, drop your API credentials into your .env, and install the composer dependency.

composer require algolia/algoliasearch-client-php:^3.4

Statamic will automatically create and sync your indexes as you create and modify entries once you kick off the initial index creation by running the command php please search:update.


You may provide Algolia-specific settings in a settings array.

'driver' => 'algolia',
'searchables' => 'all',
'settings' => [
'attributesForFaceting' => [
'customRanking' => [

Templating with Algolia

We recommend using the Javascript implementation to communicate directly with them for the frontend of your site. This bypasses Statamic entirely in the request lifecycle and is incredibly fast.


Config Cascade

You can add values into the defaults array, which will cascade down to all the indexes, regardless of which driver they use.

You can also add values to the drivers array, which will cascade down to any indexes using that respective driver. A good use case for this is to share API credentials across indexes.

Any values you add to an individual index will only be applied there.

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Learn More!

There is more to learn more in these related articles:


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