Task Scheduling

Manage scheduled tasks using Laravel's task scheduler.

Statamic leverages task scheduling via Laravel's Task Scheduler.

In a nutshell, you can create a single cron job which will allow things to happen on a schedule, without any visitors needing to be on the site.

Learn more about scheduling tasks in the Laravel docs

Running the scheduler

In Production

In production, you will need to set up a single once-per-minute cron entry that runs the schedule:run Artisan command.

Using a service like Laravel Forge makes this simple.

* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

In Development

Typically, you would not add a scheduler cron entry to your local development machine. Instead, you may use the schedule:work Artisan command. This command will run in the foreground and invoke the scheduler every minute until you terminate the command:

php artisan schedule:work

Learn more about running the scheduler

Included tasks

The following tasks will be executed whenever the task scheduler is running, without you needing to enable anything.


Statamic will dispatch a Statamic\Events\EntryScheduleReached event whenever a scheduled entry reaches its target date. This event is used in multiple places such as updating search indexes and invalidating caches.

The event will be dispatched on the minute after the scheduled time.

Defining Schedules

One way to add your own scheduled tasks is by adding items to your routes/console.php file.

Schedule::job(new Heartbeat)->everyFiveMinutes();

Learn more about defining schedules

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Learn More!

There is more to learn more in these related articles:

HR: Section
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