
This is a guideline for contributing to Statamic, its documentation, addons, and starter kits. All of these wonderful things are hosted here in the Statamic organization on GitHub. We welcome your feedback, proposed changes, and updates to these guidelines. We will always welcome thoughtful issues and consider pull requests.

✨Thank you for taking the time to consider a contribution!✨

What You Should Know Before Contributing

Statamic isn’t FOSS

Statamic is not "Free Open Source Software". It is proprietary open source software. The code is open, you can use it for free, but there are limitations to how you can modify or redistribute it. Everything in this and our other repos on Github — including community-contributed code — is the property of Statamic. Here are the limitations:

  • You cannot redistribute or use Statamic as a dependency in another distributable project — open source or otherwise — without prior permission or licensing. You can use it in your own commercial or personal projects.
  • You cannot alter code or behavior related to licensing, updating, version/edition checking, or anything else that would circumvent the enforcement of our Statamic Pro business model. We want to stay in business so we can support you better.
  • You cannot publicly maintain a long-term fork of Statamic. You can maintain a private one for your own needs, if you have them.

How to Get Support

For official developer support (and you own an active license), please go to and we will always do our best to reply in a timely manner. Github issues are intended for reporting and resolving bugs.

You can chat and collaborate with other developers in the community — Discord and the discussions area on GitHub are the best places to go. You will likely find many helpful folks who may be willing to help.

How You Can Contribute

Which Repo?

Statamic is split into a few Github repositories. Here's a quick summary of each.

  • statamic/cms is the core package. It doesn't run by itself but is instead a dependency consumed by Laravel apps. 99% of the work goes on here.
  • statamic/statamic is the starter Laravel app used to build a new site. It's an empty shell.
  • statamic/docs is the Statamic 3 documentation site that is curently running on

Bug Reports

First things first. If the bug is security related refer to our security disclosures procedures instead of opening an issue.

Next, please (pretty pretty please) search through the open issues to see if it has already been opened.

If you do find a similar issue, upvote it by adding a 👍 reaction. If you have relevant information to add, do so in a comment. Please don't add a +1 comment.

If no one has filed the issue yet, feel free to submit a new one. Please include a clear description of the issue, follow along with the issue template, and provide as much relevant information as possible.

Hot Tip!

If you are able to create a repo demonstrating an issue, we can fix it 5x faster than if you share a code example, and 1000x faster than if you say "it's broken plz fix it k thx byeeeeee" without even telling us the error message.

Feature Requests

Feature requests should be created in the statamic/ideas repository. Please (pretty pretty please) search through the open issues to see if the feature request has already been opened.

If you do find a similar request, upvote it by adding a 👍 reaction. If you have relevant information to add, do so in a comment. Please don't add a +1 comment.

Security Disclosures

If you discover a security vulnerability, please review our Security Policy, then report the issue directly to us from We will review and respond privately via email. We do not respond to cold "do pay bounties?" emails.

Documentation Edits

Statamic's documentation lives in the repository. Improvements or corrections to them can be submitted as a pull request. These usually get merged very quickly unless your grammar is bad.

Core Enhancements

If you would like to work on a new feature, consider opening an issue first in the ideas repo so we can discuss it before you spend time on it. While we appreciate community contributions, we do remain selective about what features make it into Statamic itself, so don’t take it the wrong way if we recommend that you pursue the idea as an addon instead.

If you're ready to start working on your feature, bug fix, or improvement, we have a more in-depth guide to walk you through the whole thing.

Compiled Assets

If you are submitting a change that will affect a compiled file, such as most of the files in resources/sass or resources/js, do not commit the compiled files. Due to their large size, they cannot realistically be reviewed by our team. This could be exploited as a way to inject malicious code into Statamic. In order to defensively prevent this, all compiled files will be generated and committed by the core Statamic team.

Control Panel Translations

We welcome new translations and updates! Please follow these instructions on how to contribute to Statamic's translation files.

Pull Requests

Pull requests should clearly describe the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number if there is one. If the pull request fixes a bug, it should include a new test case that demonstrates the issue, if possible.

Stay rad. If you're not already rad, tell us and we will make sure you become rad.

Docs feedback

Submit improvements, related content, or suggestions through Github.

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