Fieldtypes are essentially different types of form inputs you can choose from when building a blueprint. They range from simple text text fields and select boxes, to more complex WYSIWYG-style editors like Bard.
Watch how to add fields to a blueprint.
List of Fieldtypes
Check out the full list of all fieldtypes in our reference section.
Data Format
Fieldtypes are augmented to alter the output of your saved content according to how the field is expected to be used.
For example, a markdown field will automatically convert your plain text input into HTML according to your markdown options of choice. Given the very same input in a textarea field, what you enter is what you return because that fieldtype doesn't alter the content. The documentation for each fieldtype will detail if any augmentation happens.
These same rules apply whether you're using Antlers, Blade, GraphQL, or the REST API.
You can retrieve the original, un-augmented data by using the raw modifier, like so:
{{ markdown_field | raw }}
Each fieldtype has a common set of options in addition to any unique ones specific to that type.
The label shown above the field.
The field's template variable.
Help text shown along with the field.
Where the instructions should be positioned relative to the field. Options: Above
or Below
Controls whether the field should be shown in control panel listings. Options: hidden
, true
, or false
. Default: hidden
Configure rules that control whether the field should be shown or hidden. Learn more about conditional fields.
Control whether or not this field is required.
Configure rules that validate the value of this field before allowing the user to save. Learn more about validation.