Content Security Policy

Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. These attacks are used for everything from data theft, to site defacement, to malware distribution.

What is a Content Security Policy (CSP)?

That intro is straight out of the MDN documentation. If you don't know about CSP, that's a great resource to check out!

In a nutshell, it prevents against malicious JavaScript. On a content managed website, especially on one where you may accept input from untrusted users, you may want to consider implementing a CSP to prevent unwanted JavaScript being executed.

How to use it in Statamic

Statamic doesn't come with any CSP out of the box, but since it's a Laravel application, it's quite simple to add your own.

The simplest way to do this is to add a meta tag to your head.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="..." />

(Replace the ... with the appropriate value - more on that below)

You may also opt to use a middleware to add a header. If you do this, you'll want to prevent applying it to Control Panel routes, since Statamic needs to be able to run inline JavaScript. You can add it to the web middleware group, which your front-end will use but the Control Panel won't.

// app/Http/Kernel.php
protected $middlewareGroups = [
'web' => [
<?php // app/Http/Middleware/ContentSecurityPolicy.php
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
class ContentSecurityPolicy
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
return $next($request)
->header('Content-Security-Policy', "...");

You may even use a package such as Laravel CSP by Spatie.

An example of what it protects against

We all know that you shouldn't trust user input. That's why we say that you should use the sanitize modifier whenever outputting something from the user.

Sanitizing works well to protect you from user's popping <script> tags and other HTML in blocks of text. But let's take a look at a situation where you are populating a link with a user-provided URL:

<a href="{{ my_link | sanitize }}">My Link</a>

This is fine if they provide a real URL, but what about something sneakier:

my_link: 'javascript:sneakyStuff()'

Now they've put JavaScript into your template. Even if you sanitize the my_link variable, it won't matter since there's no HTML to escape. That's where CSP comes in handy.

If you click that link without a CSP, it will run sneakyStuff(). Oh no!

If you have it enabled, you'll get an error message like Refused to run the JavaScript URL because it violates the following Content Security Policy. You've just protected yourself.

What values to use

In the examples above, you'll see ... as a placeholder value, and you'll want to use the appropriate policy for your use case. You can find out exactly what works for you by consulting the MDN documentation.

But, you can start with these:

  • Only allow <script src=""> tags with URLs on your own site:
    script-src 'self'
  • Only allow <script src=""> tags with URLs from your own site, or from
    script-src 'self'
  • Only allow <script src=""> tags with URLs from your own site, or from, and unsafe-eval which is required for Alpine.js to work.
    script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'
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