We've heard users saying they'd like to manage the front-end with Statamic and the back-end with Laravel Nova. That's fine! It's possible to run both Statamic and Nova together.
If you'd like to manage Eloquent models within Statamic, you're able to do that, too.
- Install Nova as per their documentation
- Disable Statamic's front-end routing. It conflicts with Nova.
// config/statamic/routes.php'enabled' => false,
- Add Statamic's routes that you just disabled, to your own routes file.
// routes/web.phpStatamic::additionalWebRoutes();Route::any('/{segments?}', '\Statamic\Http\Controllers\FrontendController@index')->where('segments', '(?!nova|cp).*')->name('statamic.site');
- Create a dedicated auth guard and provider for Statamic.
// config/auth.php'guards' => ['web' => ['driver' => 'session','provider' => 'users',],'statamic' => ['driver' => 'session','provider' => 'statamic',],],'providers' => ['users' => ['driver' => 'eloquent','model' => \App\User::class,],'statamic' => ['driver' => 'statamic',],],
- Configure Statamic to use that guard.
// config/statamic/users.php'guards' => ['cp' => 'statamic','web' => 'statamic',],