Markdown has been around since 2004. One fateful day in December, John Gruber published his spec and first version of the Markdown parser. Since that day (it was a Friday), Markdown has grown wildly in popularity, and today has become the de facto standard format for writing portable content.
Back in 2004 there was just one flavor: John's. Today's landscape has many variations, parsers, extensions, and standards groups. The most widely accepted feature set is Github-Flavored Markdown, or GFM for short.
Statamic uses the League\CommonMark library to support GFM, to enable tables, special attributes like classes and ids on block-level elements, and fenced code blocks.
Data Structure
The data will be saved exactly as written – a Markdown string.
## Overview This is the Markdown fieldtype. It's for writing [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/), an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format that magically transforms into HTML.
The Markdown content will be automatically transformed into HTML through augmentation. You need only use the variable and the rest is done for you.
{{ content }}
{!! $content !!}
<h2>Overview</h2><p>This is the Markdown fieldtype. It's for writing <a href="https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/">Markdown</a>, an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format that magically transforms into HTML.</p>
Dark Mode
The Markdown fieldtype also has a dark mode when in fullscreen for those of you who like that sort of thing.

Enable Antlers parsing in this field's content.
Automatically convert line breaks to <br>
tags. Default: true
Automatically links any URLs in the text. Default: false
Set the name of an asset container to enable browsing, uploading, and inserting assets.
Escapes inline HTML markup. For example, <div>
will be replaced with <div>
. Default: false
The folder (relative to the container) to begin browsing. Default: the root folder of the container.
Inject anchor links to all of your heading elements (<h1>
, <h2>
, etc). Default: false
The name of a customized Markdown parser. Leave blank for default.
If true
, navigation within the asset browser will be disabled. Your users will be restricted to specified the container and folder. Default: false
Automatically convert straight quotes into curly quotes, dashes into en/em-dashes, and other similar text transformations. Default: false
Automatically insert a table of contents at the top of your content with links to your headings. Default: false