This fieldtype is used to manage key: value
array data in the right situation. It's used for situations when there is data you would like to stay grouped together because there's only one set and you don't want to use loops.
If you'd like to have lists of this type of data, you might want to use a grid or replicator field.
The screenshot above depicts the three modes you can choose from. Two for when you know there is a fixed set of keys (keyed/single), and one for when you don't (dynamic).
Keyed Mode
The first field contains pre-defined keys. This will give the user a stricter input. They can only enter the values for the specified keys, and they cannot be reordered.
address: type: array keys: street: Street city: City country: Country
The keys can be specified with or without labels. The snippet above (and what's shown in the screenshot) uses labels.
The following is an example of just keys. When using this syntax, the key and the label will be identical.
keys: - street - city - country
Single Mode
Exactly the same restrictions and setup as keyed mode, except the user can only manage an array one item at a time, using a select box to switch between keys.
Dynamic Mode
The second field contains no pre-defined keys. This will allow the user to define them on the fly and re-arrange them.
address: type: array
Column headings can be set with value_header
& key_header
value_header: Type of Baconkey_header: Why is it awesome?
Data Structure
In the example above, the keyed mode and dynamic mode would save the exact same data.
address: street: 221B Baker Street city: London country: England
Single mode will only save data if it has been entered by the user.
address: England: '221 Baker Street, London'
This fieldtype is not augmented.
You can use basic array access, nested variables, or the foreach tag to loop through all of the keys. All three of the following methods are equivalent.
// Array access{{ address }} {{ street }} {{ city }} {{ country }}{{ /address }} // Nested variables{{ address:street }} {{ address:city }} {{ address:country }} // Foreach tag:{{ foreach:address }} {{ value }}{{ /foreach:address }}
You can use basic array access or the @foreach
directive to loop through all of the keys.
// Nested variables{{ $address['street'] }}{{ $address['city'] }}{{ $address['country'] }} // Using foreach@foreach ($address as $key => $value) {{ $key }}: {{ $value }}@endforeach
Define keys when using keyed mode. Default: null
Determine which mode to use. Default: dynamic
Value column heading displayed when using dynamic mode Default: Value
Key column heading displayed when using dynamic mode Default: Key
Add button text customization. Default: Add Row