bard_text Modifier

Converts any Bard data to a plain text string (excluding sets). Bard data can be either:

  • The raw value from a Bard field (a ProseMirror document), with or without sets
  • One or more ProseMirror nodes (from the bard_items modifier)
type: paragraph
type: text
text: "We're going to build a simple personal website for a fictitious young aspiring programmer named Kurt Logan."
type: set
type: code_block
code: '<?php Statamic::rocks() ?>'
type: paragraph
type: text
text: "Kurt always has and always will live in the 1980s and is very excited at the prospect of having his very own place in\_CYBERSPACE."
{{ main_content | raw | bard_text }}
{{ main_content | raw | bard_text | read_time }}
{{ Statamic::modify($main_content)->bardText() }}
{{ Statamic::modify($main_content)->bardText()->readTime() }}
We're going to build a simple personal website for a fictitious young aspiring programmer named Kurt Logan. Kurt always has and always will live in the 1980s and is very excited at the prospect of having his very own place in CYBERSPACE.
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