Cookie Tag

Cookies provide a client-side way to store information about the user across requests. The cookie tag will let you get, set, and forget cookie data.

You can use {{ cookie }} as a tag pair to access any cookie data that has been set.

{{ cookie }}
{{ oreo }}
{{ /cookie }}
{{-- Using Antlers Blade Components --}}
{{ $oreo ?? '' }}
{{-- Using the Cookie facade --}}
{{ Cookie::get('oreo') }}
Yum yum yum.

You can also retrieve single variables with a single tag syntax.

{{ cookie:oreo }}
{{-- Using Antlers Blade Components --}}
<s:cookie:oreo />
{{-- Using the Cookie facade --}}
{{ Cookie::get('oreo') }}


You can check if a cookie exists with cookie:has.

{{ if {cookie:has key="has_voted"} === true }}
You already voted. Thank you!
{{ /if }}
{{-- Using the Cookie facade --}}
@if (Cookie::has('has_voted') === true)
You already voted. Thank you!


If you need extra markup around your cookie data, you can alias a new child array variable.

{{ cookie as="snack" }}
{{ snack }}
{{ message }}
{{ /snack }}
{{ /cookie }}
{{-- Retrieving the message using the Cookie facade --}}
{{ Cookie::get('message') }}
{{-- Aliasing using Antlers Blade Components --}}
<s:cookie as="snack">
{{ $snack['oreo'] ?? '' }}


You can set a cookie with cookie:set:

{{ cookie:set my_key="my_value" }}
{{-- Using Antler Blade Components --}}
<s:cookie:set my_key="my_value" />
{{-- Using the cookie helper --}}
cookie()->queue(cookie('my_key', 'my_value'));

You can optionally set a number of minutes the cookie is valid for (60 by default):

{{ cookie:set my_key="my_value" minutes="3600" }}
{{-- Using Antler Blade Components --}}
{{-- Using the cookie helper --}}
cookie()->queue(cookie('my_key', 'my_value', 3600));

You can set multiple cookies at once and reference interpolated data (references to variables).

{{ cookie:set likes="hats" :visited="url" }}
{{-- Using Antlers Blade Components --}}
{{-- Using the cookie helper --}}
cookie()->queue(cookie('likes', 'hats'));
cookie()->queue(cookie('visited', $url));
Hot Tip!

When you set a cookie, it will only be available on the next request.


You can remove cookies by passing the names of the variables into the keys parameter. Pass multiple keys by delimiting them with a pipe.

{{ cookie:forget keys="likes|referral" }}
{{-- Using Antlers Blade Components --}}
{{-- Using the Cookie helper --}}

Accessing Cookies in JavaScript

By default, in Laravel, cookies are encrypted so you will not be able to access the values of any data you set outside of PHP. To exclude specific cookies from encryption follow the steps below:

Laravel 10

To prevent encryption you need to add an exception to the $except array in your app/Http/Middleware/EncryptCookies.php file.

* The names of the cookies that should not be encrypted.
* @var array
protected $except = [

Laravel 11 and above

To prevent encryption you need to use the encryptCookies method in your application's bootstrap/app.php file:

->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {
$middleware->encryptCookies(except: [
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