Converts any Bard data to a flat array of ProseMirror nodes and marks. Bard data can be either:
- The raw value from a Bard field (a ProseMirror document), with or without sets
- One or more of the ProseMirror nodes returned from this modifier
main_content: - type: paragraph content: - type: text text: "We're going to build a " - type: text marks: - type: link attrs: href: 'http://localhost/' text: 'simple personal' - type: text text: ' website for a fictitious young aspiring programmer named Kurt Logan' - type: paragraph content: - type: image attrs: src: 'asset::assets::donut.jpg' - type: text text: "Kurt always has and always will live in the 1980s and is very excited at the prospect of having his very own place in\_CYBERSPACE."
{{ main_content | raw | bard_items }}{{ main_content | raw | bard_items | where:type:image | first | bard_html }}{{ links = main_content | raw | bard_items | where:type:link }}{{ links }} {{ node | bard_text }} - {{ attrs:href }}{{ /links }}
value: - type: paragraph content: - type: text text: "We're going to build a " - type: text marks: - type: link attrs: href: 'http://localhost/' text: simple personal - type: text text: ' website for a fictitious young aspiring programmer named Kurt Logan' - type: text text: "We're going to build a " - type: text marks: - type: link attrs: href: 'http://localhost/' text: simple personal - type: link attrs: href: 'http://localhost/' node: type: text marks: - type: link attrs: href: 'http://localhost/' text: simple personal - type: text text: ' website for a fictitious young aspiring programmer named Kurt Logan' - type: paragraph content: - type: image attrs: src: 'asset::assets::donut.jpg' - type: text text: "Kurt always has and always will live in the 1980s and is very excited at the prospect of having his very own place in\_CYBERSPACE." - type: image attrs: src: 'asset::assets::donut.jpg' - type: text text: "Kurt always has and always will live in the 1980s and is very excited at the prospect of having his very own place in\_CYBERSPACE."
<img src="/assets/donut.jpg" alt="">
simple personal - http://localhost/