Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

For a software dev like me who has no idea how to create a cute hand-drawn dashed line, this course just 100% works.

— Ira Zayats, Developer

Foreach Tag

Loop through and render values from an array of named keys and values without needing to know the keys.


Normally when you have data stored in a named array format perhaps created by the array fieldtype, you would need to know the keys to render data in your view.

Using the foreach tag you can pass in variable name as the second argument in the tag name and loop through the data using {{ key }} and {{ value }}.

address_1: 123 Hollywood Blvd
address_2: Suite 404
city: Beverly Hills
state: California
zip: 90210
Never Gonna Give You Up: 5/5
My Heart Will Go On: 3/5
{{ foreach:company_info }}
{{ key }}: {{ value }}<br>
{{ /foreach:company_info }}
{{ foreach:song_reviews as="song|rating" }}
<li>{{ song }}: {{ rating }}</li>
{{ /foreach:song_reviews }}

When authoring Blade templates, you should use the @foreach directive instead.

@foreach ($company_info as $key => $value)
<li>{{ $key }}: {{ $value }}<br>
@foreach ($song_reviews as $song => $rating)
<li>{{ $song }}: {{ $rating }}</li>
Address 1: 123 Hollywood Blvd<br>
Address 2: Suite 404<br>
City: Beverly Hills<br>
State: California<br>
Zip Code: 90210
<li>Never Gonna Give You Up: 5/5</li>
<li>My Heart Will Go On: 3/5</li>
Hot Tip!

PHP reserves the word foreach, so this tag is technically an alias of iterate under the hood. If you're spelunking through the source code, that's where you'll find it.

Dynamic Variables

Instead of using the shorthand {{ foreach:variable_name }} syntax, you may pass in the array's name manually.

{{ foreach array="song_reviews" }}
{{ /foreach }}
@foreach ($song_reviews as $review)

If you have a more complicated array location, you can use a dynamic parameter to pass the array itself.

songs: [...]
{{ foreach :array="reviews:songs" }}
{{ /foreach }}
@foreach ($reviews['songs'] as $song)




Optionally rename the key|value variables. See the above example.



The name of the array to loop over, or a reference to the array itself. See dynamic variables.



Limits the number of items returned in the loop.

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