Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

Just exceptional. Thank you so much, Jack, you smashed it.

— Hugo, Developer

User Repository

To work with the User Repository, use the following Facade:

use Statamic\Facades\User;


Methods Description
all() Get all Users
current() Get current User
find($id) Get User by id
findByEmail($email) Get User by email
findByOAuthID($provider, $id) Get User by an ID from an OAuth provider
findOrFail($id) Get User by id. Throws a UserNotFoundException when the user cannot be found.
query() Query Builder
make() Makes a new User instance


Get a user by ID

->where('id', 'abc123')
// Or with the shorthand method

When a user can't be found, the User::find() method will return null. If you'd prefer an exception be thrown, you may use the findOrFail method:


Get a user by email

->where('email', '[email protected]')
// Or with the shorthand method
User::findByEmail('[email protected]');

Get a user by OAuth ID

User::findByOAuthId('github', '123');

Get all super users

User::query()->where('super', true)->get();

Get the currently logged in user



Start by making an instance of a user with the make method.
You need at least an email before you can save a user.

$user = User::make()->email('[email protected]');

You may call additional methods on the user to customize it further.

->password('plaintext') // it will be hashed for you
->data(['foo' => 'bar']) // an array of data (front-matter)
->preferences($prefs) // array of preferences
->roles($roles) // array of roles
->groups($groups); // array of groups

Finally, save it.


Roles & Groups

In the example above, it demonstrates passing roles & groups as arrays to the ->roles() and ->groups() methods.

However, Statamic also provides a few convenience methods for assigning/removing/checking individual roles & groups:

$user->roles(); // Returns a collection of the user's roles
$user->roles(['role_1', 'role_2']); // Sets the user's roles (overrides any existing roles)
$user->assignRole('role_1'); // Assigns a role to the user
$user->removeRole('role_1'); // Removes a role from the user
$user->hasRole('role_2'); // Checks if the user has the provided role.
$user->groups(); // Returns a collection of the user's groups
$user->groups(['group_1', 'group_2']); // Sets the user's groups (overrides any existing groups)
$user->addToGroup('group_1'); // Adds the user to a group
$user->removeFromGroup('group_1'); // Removes the user from a group
$user->isInGroup('group_2'); // Checks if the user is part of a group
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Learn More!

There is more to learn more in these related articles:


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