Manipulate the data of your Antlers variables on the fly with Modifiers.
- ampersand_list
- as
- attribute
- bard_html
- bard_items
- bard_text
- chunk
- classes
- collapse
- compact
- contains
- count
- dl
- explode
- filter_empty
- first
- flatten
- flip
- group_by
- in_array
- is_array
- is_empty
- join
- keys
- last
- length
- limit
- list
- macro
- offset
- ol
- option_list
- pad
- partial
- piped
- pluck
- plural
- random
- raw
- reverse
- select
- sentence_list
- shuffle
- sort
- sum
- to_qs
- ul
- unique
- values
- where
- where-in
- contains
- contains_all
- contains_any
- ends_with
- has_lower_case
- has_upper_case
- in_array
- is_after
- is_alpha
- is_alphanumeric
- is_array
- is_before
- is_between
- is_blank
- is_email
- is_external_url
- is_future
- is_json
- is_leap_year
- is_lowercase
- is_numberwang
- is_numeric
- is_past
- is_today
- is_tomorrow
- is_uppercase
- is_url
- is_weekday
- is_weekend
- is_yesterday
- starts_with
- where
- where-in
- add_slashes
- antlers
- ascii
- at
- attribute
- background_position
- backspace
- bard_html
- bard_text
- camelize
- cdata
- classes
- collapse_whitespace
- contains
- count_substring
- dashify
- deslugify
- embed_url
- ensure_left
- ensure_right
- entities
- excerpt
- explode
- first
- format
- format_translated
- full_urls
- gravatar
- headline
- insert
- is_alpha
- is_alphanumeric
- is_email
- is_embeddable
- is_external_url
- is_lowercase
- is_numberwang
- is_numeric
- is_uppercase
- is_url
- iso_format
- join
- last
- lcfirst
- length
- lower
- macro
- mark
- md5
- nl2br
- parse_url
- partial
- pathinfo
- raw
- rawurlencode
- read_time
- regex_mark
- regex_replace
- remove_left
- remove_right
- replace
- reverse
- safe_truncate
- sanitize
- segment
- shuffle
- singular
- slugify
- smartypants
- spaceless
- str_pad_left
- strip_tags
- substr
- surround
- swap_case
- table
- tidy
- title
- trim
- truncate
- ucfirst
- underscored
- upper
- url
- urldecode
- urlencode
- widont
- word_count
- wrap
- antlers
- as
- bard_html
- bard_items
- bard_text
- bool_string
- cdata
- ceil
- chunk
- collapse
- compact
- console_log
- decode
- dump
- ensure_left
- ensure_right
- entities
- first
- flatten
- floor
- full_urls
- get
- gravatar
- headline
- hex_to_rgb
- in_array
- insert
- is_array
- is_json
- join
- keys
- last
- lcfirst
- length
- limit
- lower
- macro
- mark
- obfuscate
- offset
- option_list
- output
- parse_url
- partial
- pathinfo
- piped
- pluck
- plural
- random
- raw
- rawurlencode
- ray
- read_time
- regex_mark
- regex_replace
- remove_left
- remove_right
- repeat
- replace
- reverse
- round
- sanitize
- segment
- select
- slugify
- spaceless
- strip_tags
- substr
- swap_case
- table
- tidy
- to_json
- to_qs
- to_spaces
- to_tabs
- underscored
- unique
- urldecode
- urlencode
- values
- widont
- word_count