Width Fieldtype

A slick way to select a width in your blueprints. Although you could use it for anything you want as it stores the value in your markdown as an integer. Neat!

Width Fieldtype UI
The Width Fieldtype in action!


An alternative to the Button Group or Select field types that is a bit more compact and visually appealing.

Data structure

The selected value is stored as an integer.

image_width: 50


Use in your front end, most likely with a CSS framework like Tailwind or Bootstrap to set custom widths.

<div class="col-12"">
<div class="w-25">
<h1>Compact headings</h1>
<div class="w-{{ image_width }}">
<h2>With wider sub-headings</h2>
<div class="header-block">
<img class="w-[{{ $image_width }}px] src="/assets/mycoolicon.png>
<h1>Icon overview</h1>




The array of integers presented in the blueprint. Default: 25 / 33 / 50 / 66 / 75 / 100



The default selected width. Can be set to a value that doesn't exist in the options array if desired.

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