Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

Just exceptional. Thank you so much, Jack, you smashed it.

— Hugo, Developer

Session Tag

Sessions provide a stateless way to store information about the user across requests. The session tag will let you get, set, and forget session data.

Retrieving Session Data

You can use {{ session }} as a tag pair to access all the data inside your user's session.

{{ session }}
{{ message }}
{{ /session }}
{{ $message }}
Welcome to the session.

You can also retrieve single variables with a single tag syntax.

{{ session:message }}
{{-- Using Antlers Blade Components --}}
<s:session:message />
{{-- Using session() helper --}}
{{ session()->get('message') }}

Setting and Forgetting

You can set data with session:set, flash data with session:flash, forget it with session:forget, and flush the entire session with session:flush.


You can check if data is set in a session with session:has.

{{ if {session:has key="has_voted"} === true }}
You already voted. Thank you!
{{ /if }}
@if (session()->has('has_voted') === true)
You already voted. Thank you!


If you want to peek into the session and check the data, do so with with session:dump or the debug bar.


If you need extra markup around your session data, you can alias a new child array variable.

{{ session as="sesh" }}
{{ sesh }}
{{ message }}
{{ /sesh }}
{{ /session }}
{{-- Using the session() helper and PHP --}}
@php($sesh = session()->all())
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