Session Tag

Sessions provide a stateless way to store information about the user across requests. The session tag will let you get, set, and forget session data.

Retrieving Session Data

You can use {{ session }} as a tag pair to access all the data inside your user's session.

{{ session }}
{{ message }}
{{ /session }}
{{ $message }}
Welcome to the session.

You can also retrieve single variables with a single tag syntax.

{{ session:message }}
{{-- Using Antlers Blade Components --}}
<s:session:message />
{{-- Using session() helper --}}
{{ session()->get('message') }}

Setting and Forgetting

You can set data with session:set, flash data with session:flash, forget it with session:forget, and flush the entire session with session:flush.


You can check if data is set in a session with session:has.

{{ if {session:has key="has_voted"} === true }}
You already voted. Thank you!
{{ /if }}
@if (session()->has('has_voted') === true)
You already voted. Thank you!


If you want to peek into the session and check the data, do so with with session:dump or the debug bar.


If you need extra markup around your session data, you can alias a new child array variable.

{{ session as="sesh" }}
{{ sesh }}
{{ message }}
{{ /sesh }}
{{ /session }}
{{-- Using the session() helper and PHP --}}
@php($sesh = session()->all())
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