chunk Modifier

Break arrays or collections into smaller (wait for it) chunks of any given size. This is useful for performing various gymnastics with your HTML markup.

{{ collection:news as="posts" limit="6" }}
{{ posts chunk="3" }}
<div class="flex space-x-4">
{{ chunk }}
<a href="{{ url }}" class="bg-purple-800 text-white p-4">
{{ title }}
{{ /chunk }}
{{ /posts }}
{{ /collection:news }}
<s:collection:news as="posts" limit="6">
@foreach (Statamic::modify($posts)->chunk(3) as $chunk)
<div class="flex space-x-4">
@foreach ($chunk['chunk'] as $entry)
<a href="{{ $entry->url }}" class="bg-purple-800 text-white p-4">
{{ $entry->title }}
<div class="flex space-x-4">
<a href="/ideas/book" class="bg-purple-800 text-white p-4">
Book: Somehow I Manage
<a href="/ideas/party" class="bg-purple-800 text-white p-4">
Party: Goodbye Toby
<a href="/ideas/screenplay" class="bg-purple-800 text-white p-4">
Screenplay: Threat Level Midnight
<div class="flex space-x-4">
<a href="/ideas/art" class="bg-purple-800 text-white p-4">
Art: A Stapler
<a href="/ideas/poster" class="bg-purple-800 text-white p-4">
Poster: Kids Playing Instruments
<a href="/ideas/mug" class="bg-purple-800 text-white p-4">
Mug: World's Best Boss
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