Taxonomy Term Repository

To work with the Repository Term queries, use the following Facade:

use Statamic\Facades\Term;


Methods Description
all() Get all Terms
find($id) Get Term by id
findByUri($uri) Get Term by uri
findOrFail($id) Get Term by id. Throws a TermNotFoundException when the term cannot be found.
query() Query Builder
make() Makes a new Term instance



Get a single term by its id

When getting a single term by its ID, the value of the $id parameter should be taxonomy_handle::term_id.

Term::query()->where('id', 'tags::123')->first();
// Or with the shorthand method

When a term can't be found, the Term::find() method will return null. If you'd prefer an exception be thrown, you may use the findOrFail method:


Get all tags

->where('taxonomy', 'tags')

Get all tags in a collection

->where('collection', 'blog')
->where('taxonomy', 'tags')

Get all tags in multiple collections

->where('taxonomy', 'tags')
->whereIn('collection', ['blog', 'news'])

Only include tags attached to entries

->where('taxonomy', 'tags')
->where('entries_count', '>=', 1);


Start by making an instance of a term with the make method.
You need at least a slug and the taxonomy.

$term = Term::make()->taxonomy('tags')->slug('my-term');

Data for a term is stored on a per site basis, even if you only are using a single site.

The method expects a site handle and an array of key-value pairs.

// Example for a single site
$term->dataForLocale('default', [
'mandalorian_code' => 'This Is The Value',

When using multi-site, you can pass different data to each site.

$term->dataForLocale('default', $data);
$term->dataForLocale('fr', $frenchData);

You may call additional methods on the term to customize it further.


Finally, save it. It'll return a boolean for whether it succeeded.

$term->save(); // true or false
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