User Roles Fieldtype

Pro Feature

Use this fieldtype to create a relationship with User Roles.

User Roles Fieldtype UI
The User Roles Fieldtype in action!


The User Role fieldtype gives your users a way to pick one or more User Roles to attach to the current entry. What you do with that relationship is up to you, but most likely you'll be either listing users or combining it with the User:Is tag to protect content or areas of the frontend.

Data Storage

The User Role fieldtype stores the handle of a single group as a string, or an array of handles if max_items is greater than 1.


The User Role fieldtype uses augmentation to return the title and handle of each Role. You can use pass these values into the {{ user:is }} tag to protect content.

The following example assumes max_items has been set to 1.

{{ user:is :role="role_field:handle" }}
You are a {{ role_field:title }}. Nice!
{{ /user:is }}
{{-- Using Statamic Tags --}}
You are a {{ $role_field->title }}. Nice!
{{-- Using Fluent Tags --}}
You are a {{ $role_field->title }}. Nice!




The maximum number of user roles that may be selected.



Set the UI style for this field. Can be one of default (Stack Selector), select (Select Dropdown) or typeahead (Typeahead Field).

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Learn More!

Create a relationship with a User Role



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