Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

This course is the most refreshing take on teaching design that I've come across.

— Mikaël Sévigny, Developer

Yield Tag

The yield tag is a useful way to abstract and reuse your views by displaying content or markup extracted in a template by the section tag.


Most commonly this section/yield approach is used to create a global area in your layout that can be changed by your templates. This eliminates the need for any brittle and messy logic.


  • No thank you: {{ if template == "news" }} hardcode something {{ /if }}
  • Yes please: {{ yield:something }} + {{ section:something }}


In the example below, everything within the section:sidebar tag will not be rendered in the template, but rather in the layout.

// The Template
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
{{ content }}
{{ section:sidebar }}
<h2>About the Author</h2>
{{ author:name }}
{{ author:bio }}
{{ /section:sidebar }}
// The Layout
<title>{{ title }} | {{ site_name }}</title>
{{ template_content }}
{{ yield:sidebar }}

Fallback Content

If no section is being pushed into the yield, you may display fallback content by using the tag as a pair.

{{ yield:sidebar }}
<img src="/img/CLIPPY.GIF">
<p>Hi! It looks like you're building a website. Would you like help?</p>
{{ /yield:sidebar }}

If you haven't read up on templates and layouts, you should. It's relevant.

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