Checkboxes Fieldtype

Checkboxes! Make some checkboxes, click the checkboxes, and store a record of which boxes of which ones you clicked. They're boxes you check.

Checkboxes Fieldtype UI
The Checkboxes Fieldtype in action!


The checkboxes fieldtype is a multiple choice input. It saves one or more options chosen from a preset list. In other words, they're boxes you check.


Use the options setting to define a list of values and labels.

type: checkboxes
instructions: Choose up to 3 favorite foods.
donuts: Donuts
icecream: Ice Cream
brownies: Brownies

You may omit the labels and just specify keys. If you use this syntax, the value and label will be identical.

- Donuts
- Ice Cream
- Brownies

Data Structure

The values are stored as a YAML array. If you only specified values for the options array, then the labels will be saved.

- donuts
- icecream


You can loop through the checked items and access the value and label of each item inside the loop.

{{ favorites }}
<li>{{ value }}</li>
{{ /favorites }}
@foreach($favorites as $favorite)
{{-- You can also access $favorite['key'] and $favorite['label'] --}}
<li>{{ $favorite['value'] }}</li>

To conditionally check if a value has been selected, you can combine the pluck and contains modifiers:

{{ if favorites | pluck('value') | contains('donuts') }}
<span>Contains donuts!</span>
{{ /if }}

To conditionally check if a value has been selected, you can combine the pluck and contains collection methods:

@if (collect($favorites)->pluck('value')->contains('donuts'))
<span>Contains donuts!</span>


Inside an asset variable's tag pair you'll have access to the following variables.

Variable Description
key The zero-index count of the current item
value The stored value of the checkbox
label The label of the checkbox item from the field config




Show the checkboxes next to each other in a row instead of stacked vertically. Default: false



Sets of key/value pairs define the values and labels of the checkbox options.

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