Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

For a software dev like me who has no idea how to create a cute hand-drawn dashed line, this course just 100% works.

— Ira Zayats, Developer

Table Fieldtype

Creating tables can be a nuisance in a WYSIWYG editor. This fieldtype gives you a way to create flexible tabular data.

Table Fieldtype UI
The Table Fieldtype in action!

Data Structure

Data from the Table fieldtype is saved in an array like this:

- People
- Gift
- Kevin
- Kerosene
- Buzz
- Spider

This data format makes it trivial when it comes time to render it templates.


This fieldtype comes with a handy table modifier, which will turn your data into a simple HTML <table>.

{{ my_table | table }}
{!! Statamic::modify($my_table)->table() !!}

Here’s the same thing that the modifier would have output, but we’re modifying the cells to use | markdown.

{{ my_table }}
{{ cells }}
<td>{{ value | markdown }}</td>
{{ /cells }}
{{ /my_table }}
@foreach ($my_table as $row)
@foreach ($row['cells'] as $cell)
<td>{!! Statamic::modify($cell)->markdown() !!}</td>

Want even more control? This example assumes you have a boolean field in your front-matter named first_row_headers which toggles whether or not to render the first row of the table in a <thead> with <th> tags.

{{ my_table }}
{{ if first && first_row_headers }}
{{ cells }}
<th>{{ value|markdown }}</th>
{{ /cells }}
{{ /if }}
{{ if !first && first_row_headers || !first_row_headers }}
{{ if first }}
{{ /if }}
{{ cells }}
<td>{{ value|markdown }}</td>
{{ /cells }}
{{ if last }}
{{ /if }}
{{ /if }}
{{ /my_table }}

The following example uses the fetch helper function, which resolves Value instances for you and returns the underlying value. If the passed value is not a Value instance, you will get that original value back.

use function Statamic\View\Blade\{fetch};
@php($first_row_headers = fetch($first_row_headers) ?? false)
@foreach ($my_table as $row)
@if ($loop->first && $first_row_headers)
@foreach ($row['cells'] as $value)
<th>{!! Statamic::modify($value)->markdown() !!}</th>
@if (! $loop->first && $first_row_headers || ! $first_row_headers)
@if ($loop->first)
@foreach ($row['cells'] as $value)
<th>{!! Statamic::modify($value)->markdown() !!}</th>
@if ($loop->last)
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