offset Modifier

Offsets the items returned in an array.

- Emancipator
- Gong Gong
- Possom Posse
- Justin Bieber

Use with the pipe syntax to continue chaining in a single tag like so:

{{ playlist | offset(1) | join }}
{{ Statamic::modify($playlist)->offset(1)->join() }}
Gong Gong, Possom Posse, Justin Bieber

Or using the parameter syntax:

{{ playlist | offset(1) }}
<li>{{ value }}</li>
{{ /playlist }}
@foreach (Statamic::modify($playlist)->offset(1)->fetch() as $value)
<li>{{ $valuie }}</li>
<li>Gong Gong</li>
<li>Possom Posse</li>
<li>Justin Bieber</li>
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