Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

This course is the most refreshing take on teaching design that I've come across.

— Mikaël Sévigny, Developer

Asset Tag

The Asset (singular tense) tag retrieves single assets by their URL.


The Asset tag's primary purpose is to retrieve Assets by their URL. Pass the URL into the url parameter and voila. To say it did any more than that would be a lie.


{{ asset url="/img/brand/logo.png" }}
<img src="{{ url }}" alt="{{ alt }}" />
{{ /asset }}
{{-- Using Antlers Blade Components --}}
<img src="{{ $url }}" alt="{{ $alt }}" />
{{-- Using Fluent Tags --}}
@if ($asset = Statamic::tag('asset')->src('/assets/logo.png')->fetch())
<img src="{{ $asset->url }}" alt="{{ $asset->alt }}" />




The path to the file, relative to the web root.

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