Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

Bought Jack McDade's course on design. Going through it now...and it is SO well done!

— Justin Jackson, Transistor.fm

User:Register_Form Tag


User tags are designed for sites that have areas or features behind a login. The user:registration_form tag helps you build a public registration form for new users.

The tag will render the opening and closing <form> HTML elements for you. The rest of the form markup is up to you as long as you have email, password, and password_confirmation input fields.


A basic registration form, with validation errors.

{{ user:register_form }}
{{ if errors }}
<div class="bg-red-300 text-white p-2">
{{ errors }}
{{ value }}<br>
{{ /errors }}
{{ /if }}
{{ if success }}
<div class="bg-green-300 text-white p-2">
{{ success }}<br>
{{ /if }}
<input type="email" name="email" value="{{ old:email }}" />
<input type="password" name="password" />
<label>Password Confirmation</label>
<input type="password" name="password_confirmation" />
{{ /user:register_form }}

Password Rules

You may also customize your password rules by explicitly setting a password field in your user.yaml blueprint.

handle: password
type: text
display: Password
input: password
validate: 'min:8|alpha_num'

Additional Fields

You are allowed to add any additional fields to your registration form, and they will be added to the user's account provided that they exist in the user.yaml blueprint.

Any submitted data that does not exist in the blueprint will be completely ignored.

Additional fields will be validated as per your blueprint validate rules.

Dynamic Rendering

Instead of hardcoding individual fields, you may loop through the fields array to render fields more dynamically.

{{ fields }}
<div class="p-2">
<label>{{ display }}</label>
<div class="p-1">{{ field }}</div>
{{ if error }}
<p class="text-gray-500">{{ error }}</p>
{{ /if }}
{{ /fields }}

Each item in the fields array contains type, display and handle, which are configurable from the user blueprint.

You will also find the field's old input on unsuccessful submission, as well as an error message when relevant.

Finally, the field value contains a pre-rendered form input. Using this will intelligently render inputs as inputs, textareas as textareas, and snozzberries as snozzberries. You can customize these pre-rendered templates by running php artisan vendor:publish --tag=statamic-forms, which will expose editable templates in your views/vendor/statamic/forms/fields folder.

New User Roles

Most of the time, new members will need some roles assigned to them so that they can do different things on your site. You can configure the default new_user_roles in your config/statamic/users.php config. When a user successfully registers as a member, their account will automatically be assigned the roles in this list.

It’s best to remember that these are starting roles for the user. You can later either manually add roles to users in their files, update their account through the Control Panel, or have add-ons automatically add or remove roles as needed when users perform certain tasks.


If you want to protect your registration form from spam bots you can specify the handle of a honeypot field in config/statamic/users.php using the registration_form_honeypot_field key.




Where the user should be taken after successfully registering.



The same as redirect, but for failed registrations.



When set to true, the redirect and error_redirect parameters will get overridden by redirect and error_redirect query parameters in the URL.

HTML Attributes

Set HTML attributes as if you were in an HTML element. For example, class="required" id="registration-form".


Variable Type Description



An array of available fields for dynamic rendering.



An array of validation errors.



An array of validation errors indexed by field names. Suitable for targeting fields. eg. {{ error:email }}



An array of previously submitted values.



A success message.

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