404 (Not Found) Tag

Anytime this tag is rendered — whether in a template, partial, or content, Statamic will trigger a 404 status code and render your 404 template.


The most common use cases for the 404 tag is for checking if a user is logged in or has performed an action before displaying a particular page.

{{ if ! logged_in }}
{{ 404 }}
{{ /if }}
{{ if ! success }}
{{ 404 }}
{{ /if }}
@if (! $logged_in }}
<statamic:not_found />
@if (! $success)
<statamic:not_found />
Hot Tip!

If you want to trigger Statamic's 404 logic manually, you can throw an instance of the NotFound exception:

use Statamic\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException;
// Trigger Statamic's 404 logic.
throw new NotFoundHttpException();

If you'd rather perform a redirect instead of throwing a 404, you can use the redirect tag.

Hot Tip!

There's no need to wrap the rest of the template in an else condition.

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