Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

This course is the most refreshing take on teaching design that I've come across.

— Mikaël Sévigny, Developer

Taxonomy:Count Tag

This tag is a clone of the taxonomy tag but with one big difference: it only returns the total number of terms that match your set of filters.


This tag's only purpose is to fetch the number of the terms in a taxonomy that match your set of filtering parameters without the need for a tag pair/loop.


There are {{ taxonomy:count in="tags" }} tags in this site.
There are 6201 tags in this site.

You could do the same thing inside a regular taxonomy tag by aliasing the results to a single variable and using the count modifier.

{{ taxonomy:tags as="terms" }}
There are {{ terms | count }} tags in this site.
{{ /taxonomy:tags }}




The taxonomy in which to count terms.



All parameters available on the taxonomy tag are available.

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